Top 4 Ways to Increase IDM Download Speed to Maximum

IDM (Internet Download Manager) is currently the fastest file download manager in the world. It gives you the 5x speed to download your files across the web.

increase idm download speed

Sometimes, IDM users might wonder what can be done to further increase the downloading speed of IDM. First, I would like to tell you that IDM is the most prominent and fastest Download Manager, and it accelerates your downloads at 5x speed.

But still, if you are searching for ways to increase IDM speed, you come to the right place. We will provide you with the 3 best and easiest ways to improve your downloading speed.

Quickest Ways to increase IDM Speed:

Note: Downloading speed always depends on your Internet connection. However, you can follow these options to increase your downloading speed💋.

♦ Speed Limit:

One of the finest features of IDM (Internet Download Manager) is Speed Limiter. After activating it you will see that your IDM downloading speed has increased.

Follow the steps below to activate it.

♦ Connection Setting of IDM:

The next option we have is ”Connection Setting of IDM”. In this option, we will increase the speed of IDM through Connection Setting. You will change the IDM Connection setting based on your Internet(3G,4G,5G).

Your internet plays a significant role in the speed of downloading of your IDM (Internet Download Manager).

Follow these steps to activate this setting.

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♦ Downloading in Off-peak Hours:

If you are still facing low download speed, this could be the result of high network traffic. You could opt for the time when network traffic is low. Due to low network traffic you get more reliable connection and faster download speed. Some ISPs(Internet Service Providers) offers lower rates during off-peak hours, you can increase your download speed and reduce internet cost.

Tip: When you are downloading, close other applications that consumes internet.

♦ IDM Optimizer [Software]

Last but not least, we will use third-party software to increase the downloading speed of IDM. This software is known as "IDM Optimizer". Install the software using the link below.

After installation, set the settings according to your needs and which suit the IDM you installed on your PC.

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